Welcome 2015-16 Dance Team
Dear Dance Team Parents,
Welcome to the 2015-16 DancInfusion Dance Team. Ms. Vi Donald is the Head Coach for the team and Ms. Candace is the Asst. Coach. You can direct any questions, comments or concerns to either one of them. Do not hesitate! They are here for you and to make this a great experience for you and your kids.
With competition in mind, please remind them about respecting others. They are representing Dancin' Around Dance Studio and are expected to treat everyone with respect during practice, at competition or any public functions. This applied to parents as well. If there is ever a problem at a competition, notify your coaches it will direct it to the competition directors. Review our etiquette blog for more information.
Jacket orders and payments will be collected in January. Each member is required to purchase a team jacket.
Below are practice and competition information. Hotel stay for competition is optional. Competition times will be given ONE week prior to the competition date. It will be posted in the competition blog. Call times for all competitions is 3 hours prior to their competition time. You will receive a schedule once they receive it. Check your email often! It is very important that all dancers must be at all practices unless prior arrangements are made. Their first competition is in March – if the coahes feel they are ready.
Competition Fees are $48.00 per dancer due as scheduled below. Make check to Dancin’ Around Dance Studio or pay by cash. No credit cards or online payments accepted.
Practices: Wednesdays at 6:15-7:00pm and Saturdays 12:15-1:00pm.
Competition Fee Due:
February 4th - $48.00 per dancer
March 4th - $48.00 per dancer
April 1st - $48.00 per dancer
***National Competition FEE - TBA***
Dance Convention: GREAT EXPERIENCE!!!
March 19th - 20th. Juniors will be invited this year but not mandatory to attend.
Westin Yorktown Lombard in Lombard, IL
Cost: $210.00 per person ***You will be in dance classes all day Saturday and